'Lypid - Ag|Food Tech 8'

'Lypid - Ag|Food Tech 8'
14:46 Dec 29, 2022
'Jen-Yu Huang presents Lypid at Ag|Food Tech 8: Workshop Not At Bonny Doon, on 5/18/21.  Lypid makes fat alternatives with a rich meaty mouthfeel to elevate the taste, texture, and appearance of alternative proteins.  Learn more about this workshop: https://app.glueup.com/event/ag-food-tech-8-workshop-not-at-bonny-doon-29110/   Be notified of future workshops: https://www.dooninsights.com/notify  Main website: https://www.dooninsights.com  Twitter: https://twitter.com/DoonInsights  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/71050481/ Medium: https://dooninsights.medium.com  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoonInsights' 
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